[−][src]Crate rusoto_cognito_idp
Using the Amazon Cognito User Pools API, you can create a user pool to manage directories and users. You can authenticate a user to obtain tokens related to user identity and access policies.
This API reference provides information about user pools in Amazon Cognito User Pools.
For more information, see the Amazon Cognito Documentation.
If you're using the service, you're probably looking for CognitoIdentityProviderClient and CognitoIdentityProvider.
AccountTakeoverActionType | Account takeover action type. |
AccountTakeoverActionsType | Account takeover actions type. |
AccountTakeoverRiskConfigurationType | Configuration for mitigation actions and notification for different levels of risk detected for a potential account takeover. |
AddCustomAttributesRequest | Represents the request to add custom attributes. |
AddCustomAttributesResponse | Represents the response from the server for the request to add custom attributes. |
AdminAddUserToGroupRequest | |
AdminConfirmSignUpRequest | Represents the request to confirm user registration. |
AdminConfirmSignUpResponse | Represents the response from the server for the request to confirm registration. |
AdminCreateUserConfigType | The configuration for creating a new user profile. |
AdminCreateUserRequest | Represents the request to create a user in the specified user pool. |
AdminCreateUserResponse | Represents the response from the server to the request to create the user. |
AdminDeleteUserAttributesRequest | Represents the request to delete user attributes as an administrator. |
AdminDeleteUserAttributesResponse | Represents the response received from the server for a request to delete user attributes. |
AdminDeleteUserRequest | Represents the request to delete a user as an administrator. |
AdminDisableProviderForUserRequest | |
AdminDisableProviderForUserResponse | |
AdminDisableUserRequest | Represents the request to disable any user as an administrator. |
AdminDisableUserResponse | Represents the response received from the server to disable the user as an administrator. |
AdminEnableUserRequest | Represents the request that enables the user as an administrator. |
AdminEnableUserResponse | Represents the response from the server for the request to enable a user as an administrator. |
AdminForgetDeviceRequest | Sends the forgot device request, as an administrator. |
AdminGetDeviceRequest | Represents the request to get the device, as an administrator. |
AdminGetDeviceResponse | Gets the device response, as an administrator. |
AdminGetUserRequest | Represents the request to get the specified user as an administrator. |
AdminGetUserResponse | Represents the response from the server from the request to get the specified user as an administrator. |
AdminInitiateAuthRequest | Initiates the authorization request, as an administrator. |
AdminInitiateAuthResponse | Initiates the authentication response, as an administrator. |
AdminLinkProviderForUserRequest | |
AdminLinkProviderForUserResponse | |
AdminListDevicesRequest | Represents the request to list devices, as an administrator. |
AdminListDevicesResponse | Lists the device's response, as an administrator. |
AdminListGroupsForUserRequest | |
AdminListGroupsForUserResponse | |
AdminListUserAuthEventsRequest | |
AdminListUserAuthEventsResponse | |
AdminRemoveUserFromGroupRequest | |
AdminResetUserPasswordRequest | Represents the request to reset a user's password as an administrator. |
AdminResetUserPasswordResponse | Represents the response from the server to reset a user password as an administrator. |
AdminRespondToAuthChallengeRequest | The request to respond to the authentication challenge, as an administrator. |
AdminRespondToAuthChallengeResponse | Responds to the authentication challenge, as an administrator. |
AdminSetUserMFAPreferenceRequest | |
AdminSetUserMFAPreferenceResponse | |
AdminSetUserPasswordRequest | |
AdminSetUserPasswordResponse | |
AdminSetUserSettingsRequest | Represents the request to set user settings as an administrator. |
AdminSetUserSettingsResponse | Represents the response from the server to set user settings as an administrator. |
AdminUpdateAuthEventFeedbackRequest | |
AdminUpdateAuthEventFeedbackResponse | |
AdminUpdateDeviceStatusRequest | The request to update the device status, as an administrator. |
AdminUpdateDeviceStatusResponse | The status response from the request to update the device, as an administrator. |
AdminUpdateUserAttributesRequest | Represents the request to update the user's attributes as an administrator. |
AdminUpdateUserAttributesResponse | Represents the response from the server for the request to update user attributes as an administrator. |
AdminUserGlobalSignOutRequest | The request to sign out of all devices, as an administrator. |
AdminUserGlobalSignOutResponse | The global sign-out response, as an administrator. |
AnalyticsConfigurationType | The Amazon Pinpoint analytics configuration for collecting metrics for a user pool. |
AnalyticsMetadataType | An Amazon Pinpoint analytics endpoint. An endpoint uniquely identifies a mobile device, email address, or phone number that can receive messages from Amazon Pinpoint analytics. |
AssociateSoftwareTokenRequest | |
AssociateSoftwareTokenResponse | |
AttributeType | Specifies whether the attribute is standard or custom. |
AuthEventType | The authentication event type. |
AuthenticationResultType | The authentication result. |
ChallengeResponseType | The challenge response type. |
ChangePasswordRequest | Represents the request to change a user password. |
ChangePasswordResponse | The response from the server to the change password request. |
CodeDeliveryDetailsType | The code delivery details being returned from the server. |
CognitoIdentityProviderClient | A client for the Amazon Cognito Identity Provider API. |
CompromisedCredentialsActionsType | The compromised credentials actions type |
CompromisedCredentialsRiskConfigurationType | The compromised credentials risk configuration type. |
ConfirmDeviceRequest | Confirms the device request. |
ConfirmDeviceResponse | Confirms the device response. |
ConfirmForgotPasswordRequest | The request representing the confirmation for a password reset. |
ConfirmForgotPasswordResponse | The response from the server that results from a user's request to retrieve a forgotten password. |
ConfirmSignUpRequest | Represents the request to confirm registration of a user. |
ConfirmSignUpResponse | Represents the response from the server for the registration confirmation. |
ContextDataType | Contextual user data type used for evaluating the risk of an unexpected event by Amazon Cognito advanced security. |
CreateGroupRequest | |
CreateGroupResponse | |
CreateIdentityProviderRequest | |
CreateIdentityProviderResponse | |
CreateResourceServerRequest | |
CreateResourceServerResponse | |
CreateUserImportJobRequest | Represents the request to create the user import job. |
CreateUserImportJobResponse | Represents the response from the server to the request to create the user import job. |
CreateUserPoolClientRequest | Represents the request to create a user pool client. |
CreateUserPoolClientResponse | Represents the response from the server to create a user pool client. |
CreateUserPoolDomainRequest | |
CreateUserPoolDomainResponse | |
CreateUserPoolRequest | Represents the request to create a user pool. |
CreateUserPoolResponse | Represents the response from the server for the request to create a user pool. |
CustomDomainConfigType | The configuration for a custom domain that hosts the sign-up and sign-in webpages for your application. |
DeleteGroupRequest | |
DeleteIdentityProviderRequest | |
DeleteResourceServerRequest | |
DeleteUserAttributesRequest | Represents the request to delete user attributes. |
DeleteUserAttributesResponse | Represents the response from the server to delete user attributes. |
DeleteUserPoolClientRequest | Represents the request to delete a user pool client. |
DeleteUserPoolDomainRequest | |
DeleteUserPoolDomainResponse | |
DeleteUserPoolRequest | Represents the request to delete a user pool. |
DeleteUserRequest | Represents the request to delete a user. |
DescribeIdentityProviderRequest | |
DescribeIdentityProviderResponse | |
DescribeResourceServerRequest | |
DescribeResourceServerResponse | |
DescribeRiskConfigurationRequest | |
DescribeRiskConfigurationResponse | |
DescribeUserImportJobRequest | Represents the request to describe the user import job. |
DescribeUserImportJobResponse | Represents the response from the server to the request to describe the user import job. |
DescribeUserPoolClientRequest | Represents the request to describe a user pool client. |
DescribeUserPoolClientResponse | Represents the response from the server from a request to describe the user pool client. |
DescribeUserPoolDomainRequest | |
DescribeUserPoolDomainResponse | |
DescribeUserPoolRequest | Represents the request to describe the user pool. |
DescribeUserPoolResponse | Represents the response to describe the user pool. |
DeviceConfigurationType | The configuration for the user pool's device tracking. |
DeviceSecretVerifierConfigType | The device verifier against which it will be authenticated. |
DeviceType | The device type. |
DomainDescriptionType | A container for information about a domain. |
EmailConfigurationType | The email configuration type. |
EventContextDataType | Specifies the user context data captured at the time of an event request. |
EventFeedbackType | Specifies the event feedback type. |
EventRiskType | The event risk type. |
ForgetDeviceRequest | Represents the request to forget the device. |
ForgotPasswordRequest | Represents the request to reset a user's password. |
ForgotPasswordResponse | Respresents the response from the server regarding the request to reset a password. |
GetCSVHeaderRequest | Represents the request to get the header information for the .csv file for the user import job. |
GetCSVHeaderResponse | Represents the response from the server to the request to get the header information for the .csv file for the user import job. |
GetDeviceRequest | Represents the request to get the device. |
GetDeviceResponse | Gets the device response. |
GetGroupRequest | |
GetGroupResponse | |
GetIdentityProviderByIdentifierRequest | |
GetIdentityProviderByIdentifierResponse | |
GetSigningCertificateRequest | Request to get a signing certificate from Cognito. |
GetSigningCertificateResponse | Response from Cognito for a signing certificate request. |
GetUICustomizationRequest | |
GetUICustomizationResponse | |
GetUserAttributeVerificationCodeRequest | Represents the request to get user attribute verification. |
GetUserAttributeVerificationCodeResponse | The verification code response returned by the server response to get the user attribute verification code. |
GetUserPoolMfaConfigRequest | |
GetUserPoolMfaConfigResponse | |
GetUserRequest | Represents the request to get information about the user. |
GetUserResponse | Represents the response from the server from the request to get information about the user. |
GlobalSignOutRequest | Represents the request to sign out all devices. |
GlobalSignOutResponse | The response to the request to sign out all devices. |
GroupType | The group type. |
HttpHeader | The HTTP header. |
IdentityProviderType | A container for information about an identity provider. |
InitiateAuthRequest | Initiates the authentication request. |
InitiateAuthResponse | Initiates the authentication response. |
LambdaConfigType | Specifies the configuration for AWS Lambda triggers. |
ListDevicesRequest | Represents the request to list the devices. |
ListDevicesResponse | Represents the response to list devices. |
ListGroupsRequest | |
ListGroupsResponse | |
ListIdentityProvidersRequest | |
ListIdentityProvidersResponse | |
ListResourceServersRequest | |
ListResourceServersResponse | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResponse | |
ListUserImportJobsRequest | Represents the request to list the user import jobs. |
ListUserImportJobsResponse | Represents the response from the server to the request to list the user import jobs. |
ListUserPoolClientsRequest | Represents the request to list the user pool clients. |
ListUserPoolClientsResponse | Represents the response from the server that lists user pool clients. |
ListUserPoolsRequest | Represents the request to list user pools. |
ListUserPoolsResponse | Represents the response to list user pools. |
ListUsersInGroupRequest | |
ListUsersInGroupResponse | |
ListUsersRequest | Represents the request to list users. |
ListUsersResponse | The response from the request to list users. |
MFAOptionType | Specifies the different settings for multi-factor authentication (MFA). |
MessageTemplateType | The message template structure. |
NewDeviceMetadataType | The new device metadata type. |
NotifyConfigurationType | The notify configuration type. |
NotifyEmailType | The notify email type. |
NumberAttributeConstraintsType | The minimum and maximum value of an attribute that is of the number data type. |
PasswordPolicyType | The password policy type. |
ProviderDescription | A container for identity provider details. |
ProviderUserIdentifierType | A container for information about an identity provider for a user pool. |
ResendConfirmationCodeRequest | Represents the request to resend the confirmation code. |
ResendConfirmationCodeResponse | The response from the server when the Amazon Cognito Your User Pools service makes the request to resend a confirmation code. |
ResourceServerScopeType | A resource server scope. |
ResourceServerType | A container for information about a resource server for a user pool. |
RespondToAuthChallengeRequest | The request to respond to an authentication challenge. |
RespondToAuthChallengeResponse | The response to respond to the authentication challenge. |
RiskConfigurationType | The risk configuration type. |
RiskExceptionConfigurationType | The type of the configuration to override the risk decision. |
SMSMfaSettingsType | The SMS multi-factor authentication (MFA) settings type. |
SchemaAttributeType | Contains information about the schema attribute. |
SetRiskConfigurationRequest | |
SetRiskConfigurationResponse | |
SetUICustomizationRequest | |
SetUICustomizationResponse | |
SetUserMFAPreferenceRequest | |
SetUserMFAPreferenceResponse | |
SetUserPoolMfaConfigRequest | |
SetUserPoolMfaConfigResponse | |
SetUserSettingsRequest | Represents the request to set user settings. |
SetUserSettingsResponse | The response from the server for a set user settings request. |
SignUpRequest | Represents the request to register a user. |
SignUpResponse | The response from the server for a registration request. |
SmsConfigurationType | The SMS configuration type. |
SmsMfaConfigType | The SMS text message multi-factor authentication (MFA) configuration type. |
SoftwareTokenMfaConfigType | The type used for enabling software token MFA at the user pool level. |
SoftwareTokenMfaSettingsType | The type used for enabling software token MFA at the user level. |
StartUserImportJobRequest | Represents the request to start the user import job. |
StartUserImportJobResponse | Represents the response from the server to the request to start the user import job. |
StopUserImportJobRequest | Represents the request to stop the user import job. |
StopUserImportJobResponse | Represents the response from the server to the request to stop the user import job. |
StringAttributeConstraintsType | The constraints associated with a string attribute. |
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResponse | |
UICustomizationType | A container for the UI customization information for a user pool's built-in app UI. |
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResponse | |
UpdateAuthEventFeedbackRequest | |
UpdateAuthEventFeedbackResponse | |
UpdateDeviceStatusRequest | Represents the request to update the device status. |
UpdateDeviceStatusResponse | The response to the request to update the device status. |
UpdateGroupRequest | |
UpdateGroupResponse | |
UpdateIdentityProviderRequest | |
UpdateIdentityProviderResponse | |
UpdateResourceServerRequest | |
UpdateResourceServerResponse | |
UpdateUserAttributesRequest | Represents the request to update user attributes. |
UpdateUserAttributesResponse | Represents the response from the server for the request to update user attributes. |
UpdateUserPoolClientRequest | Represents the request to update the user pool client. |
UpdateUserPoolClientResponse | Represents the response from the server to the request to update the user pool client. |
UpdateUserPoolDomainRequest | The UpdateUserPoolDomain request input. |
UpdateUserPoolDomainResponse | The UpdateUserPoolDomain response output. |
UpdateUserPoolRequest | Represents the request to update the user pool. |
UpdateUserPoolResponse | Represents the response from the server when you make a request to update the user pool. |
UserContextDataType | Contextual data such as the user's device fingerprint, IP address, or location used for evaluating the risk of an unexpected event by Amazon Cognito advanced security. |
UserImportJobType | The user import job type. |
UserPoolAddOnsType | The user pool add-ons type. |
UserPoolClientDescription | The description of the user pool client. |
UserPoolClientType | Contains information about a user pool client. |
UserPoolDescriptionType | A user pool description. |
UserPoolPolicyType | The policy associated with a user pool. |
UserPoolType | A container for information about the user pool. |
UserType | The user type. |
VerificationMessageTemplateType | The template for verification messages. |
VerifySoftwareTokenRequest | |
VerifySoftwareTokenResponse | |
VerifyUserAttributeRequest | Represents the request to verify user attributes. |
VerifyUserAttributeResponse | A container representing the response from the server from the request to verify user attributes. |
AddCustomAttributesError | Errors returned by AddCustomAttributes |
AdminAddUserToGroupError | Errors returned by AdminAddUserToGroup |
AdminConfirmSignUpError | Errors returned by AdminConfirmSignUp |
AdminCreateUserError | Errors returned by AdminCreateUser |
AdminDeleteUserAttributesError | Errors returned by AdminDeleteUserAttributes |
AdminDeleteUserError | Errors returned by AdminDeleteUser |
AdminDisableProviderForUserError | Errors returned by AdminDisableProviderForUser |
AdminDisableUserError | Errors returned by AdminDisableUser |
AdminEnableUserError | Errors returned by AdminEnableUser |
AdminForgetDeviceError | Errors returned by AdminForgetDevice |
AdminGetDeviceError | Errors returned by AdminGetDevice |
AdminGetUserError | Errors returned by AdminGetUser |
AdminInitiateAuthError | Errors returned by AdminInitiateAuth |
AdminLinkProviderForUserError | Errors returned by AdminLinkProviderForUser |
AdminListDevicesError | Errors returned by AdminListDevices |
AdminListGroupsForUserError | Errors returned by AdminListGroupsForUser |
AdminListUserAuthEventsError | Errors returned by AdminListUserAuthEvents |
AdminRemoveUserFromGroupError | Errors returned by AdminRemoveUserFromGroup |
AdminResetUserPasswordError | Errors returned by AdminResetUserPassword |
AdminRespondToAuthChallengeError | Errors returned by AdminRespondToAuthChallenge |
AdminSetUserMFAPreferenceError | Errors returned by AdminSetUserMFAPreference |
AdminSetUserPasswordError | Errors returned by AdminSetUserPassword |
AdminSetUserSettingsError | Errors returned by AdminSetUserSettings |
AdminUpdateAuthEventFeedbackError | Errors returned by AdminUpdateAuthEventFeedback |
AdminUpdateDeviceStatusError | Errors returned by AdminUpdateDeviceStatus |
AdminUpdateUserAttributesError | Errors returned by AdminUpdateUserAttributes |
AdminUserGlobalSignOutError | Errors returned by AdminUserGlobalSignOut |
AssociateSoftwareTokenError | Errors returned by AssociateSoftwareToken |
ChangePasswordError | Errors returned by ChangePassword |
ConfirmDeviceError | Errors returned by ConfirmDevice |
ConfirmForgotPasswordError | Errors returned by ConfirmForgotPassword |
ConfirmSignUpError | Errors returned by ConfirmSignUp |
CreateGroupError | Errors returned by CreateGroup |
CreateIdentityProviderError | Errors returned by CreateIdentityProvider |
CreateResourceServerError | Errors returned by CreateResourceServer |
CreateUserImportJobError | Errors returned by CreateUserImportJob |
CreateUserPoolClientError | Errors returned by CreateUserPoolClient |
CreateUserPoolDomainError | Errors returned by CreateUserPoolDomain |
CreateUserPoolError | Errors returned by CreateUserPool |
DeleteGroupError | Errors returned by DeleteGroup |
DeleteIdentityProviderError | Errors returned by DeleteIdentityProvider |
DeleteResourceServerError | Errors returned by DeleteResourceServer |
DeleteUserAttributesError | Errors returned by DeleteUserAttributes |
DeleteUserError | Errors returned by DeleteUser |
DeleteUserPoolClientError | Errors returned by DeleteUserPoolClient |
DeleteUserPoolDomainError | Errors returned by DeleteUserPoolDomain |
DeleteUserPoolError | Errors returned by DeleteUserPool |
DescribeIdentityProviderError | Errors returned by DescribeIdentityProvider |
DescribeResourceServerError | Errors returned by DescribeResourceServer |
DescribeRiskConfigurationError | Errors returned by DescribeRiskConfiguration |
DescribeUserImportJobError | Errors returned by DescribeUserImportJob |
DescribeUserPoolClientError | Errors returned by DescribeUserPoolClient |
DescribeUserPoolDomainError | Errors returned by DescribeUserPoolDomain |
DescribeUserPoolError | Errors returned by DescribeUserPool |
ForgetDeviceError | Errors returned by ForgetDevice |
ForgotPasswordError | Errors returned by ForgotPassword |
GetCSVHeaderError | Errors returned by GetCSVHeader |
GetDeviceError | Errors returned by GetDevice |
GetGroupError | Errors returned by GetGroup |
GetIdentityProviderByIdentifierError | Errors returned by GetIdentityProviderByIdentifier |
GetSigningCertificateError | Errors returned by GetSigningCertificate |
GetUICustomizationError | Errors returned by GetUICustomization |
GetUserAttributeVerificationCodeError | Errors returned by GetUserAttributeVerificationCode |
GetUserError | Errors returned by GetUser |
GetUserPoolMfaConfigError | Errors returned by GetUserPoolMfaConfig |
GlobalSignOutError | Errors returned by GlobalSignOut |
InitiateAuthError | Errors returned by InitiateAuth |
ListDevicesError | Errors returned by ListDevices |
ListGroupsError | Errors returned by ListGroups |
ListIdentityProvidersError | Errors returned by ListIdentityProviders |
ListResourceServersError | Errors returned by ListResourceServers |
ListTagsForResourceError | Errors returned by ListTagsForResource |
ListUserImportJobsError | Errors returned by ListUserImportJobs |
ListUserPoolClientsError | Errors returned by ListUserPoolClients |
ListUserPoolsError | Errors returned by ListUserPools |
ListUsersError | Errors returned by ListUsers |
ListUsersInGroupError | Errors returned by ListUsersInGroup |
ResendConfirmationCodeError | Errors returned by ResendConfirmationCode |
RespondToAuthChallengeError | Errors returned by RespondToAuthChallenge |
SetRiskConfigurationError | Errors returned by SetRiskConfiguration |
SetUICustomizationError | Errors returned by SetUICustomization |
SetUserMFAPreferenceError | Errors returned by SetUserMFAPreference |
SetUserPoolMfaConfigError | Errors returned by SetUserPoolMfaConfig |
SetUserSettingsError | Errors returned by SetUserSettings |
SignUpError | Errors returned by SignUp |
StartUserImportJobError | Errors returned by StartUserImportJob |
StopUserImportJobError | Errors returned by StopUserImportJob |
TagResourceError | Errors returned by TagResource |
UntagResourceError | Errors returned by UntagResource |
UpdateAuthEventFeedbackError | Errors returned by UpdateAuthEventFeedback |
UpdateDeviceStatusError | Errors returned by UpdateDeviceStatus |
UpdateGroupError | Errors returned by UpdateGroup |
UpdateIdentityProviderError | Errors returned by UpdateIdentityProvider |
UpdateResourceServerError | Errors returned by UpdateResourceServer |
UpdateUserAttributesError | Errors returned by UpdateUserAttributes |
UpdateUserPoolClientError | Errors returned by UpdateUserPoolClient |
UpdateUserPoolDomainError | Errors returned by UpdateUserPoolDomain |
UpdateUserPoolError | Errors returned by UpdateUserPool |
VerifySoftwareTokenError | Errors returned by VerifySoftwareToken |
VerifyUserAttributeError | Errors returned by VerifyUserAttribute |
CognitoIdentityProvider | Trait representing the capabilities of the Amazon Cognito Identity Provider API. Amazon Cognito Identity Provider clients implement this trait. |