[−][src]Crate rusoto_lex_models
Amazon Lex is an AWS service for building conversational voice and text interfaces. Use these actions to create, update, and delete conversational bots for new and existing client applications.
If you're using the service, you're probably looking for LexModelsClient and LexModels.
BotAliasMetadata | Provides information about a bot alias. |
BotChannelAssociation | Represents an association between an Amazon Lex bot and an external messaging platform. |
BotMetadata | Provides information about a bot. . |
BuiltinIntentMetadata | Provides metadata for a built-in intent. |
BuiltinIntentSlot | Provides information about a slot used in a built-in intent. |
BuiltinSlotTypeMetadata | Provides information about a built in slot type. |
CodeHook | Specifies a Lambda function that verifies requests to a bot or fulfills the user's request to a bot.. |
CreateBotVersionRequest | |
CreateBotVersionResponse | |
CreateIntentVersionRequest | |
CreateIntentVersionResponse | |
CreateSlotTypeVersionRequest | |
CreateSlotTypeVersionResponse | |
DeleteBotAliasRequest | |
DeleteBotChannelAssociationRequest | |
DeleteBotRequest | |
DeleteBotVersionRequest | |
DeleteIntentRequest | |
DeleteIntentVersionRequest | |
DeleteSlotTypeRequest | |
DeleteSlotTypeVersionRequest | |
DeleteUtterancesRequest | |
EnumerationValue | Each slot type can have a set of values. Each enumeration value represents a value the slot type can take. For example, a pizza ordering bot could have a slot type that specifies the type of crust that the pizza should have. The slot type could include the values
FollowUpPrompt | A prompt for additional activity after an intent is fulfilled. For example, after the |
FulfillmentActivity | Describes how the intent is fulfilled after the user provides all of the information required for the intent. You can provide a Lambda function to process the intent, or you can return the intent information to the client application. We recommend that you use a Lambda function so that the relevant logic lives in the Cloud and limit the client-side code primarily to presentation. If you need to update the logic, you only update the Lambda function; you don't need to upgrade your client application. Consider the following examples:
GetBotAliasRequest | |
GetBotAliasResponse | |
GetBotAliasesRequest | |
GetBotAliasesResponse | |
GetBotChannelAssociationRequest | |
GetBotChannelAssociationResponse | |
GetBotChannelAssociationsRequest | |
GetBotChannelAssociationsResponse | |
GetBotRequest | |
GetBotResponse | |
GetBotVersionsRequest | |
GetBotVersionsResponse | |
GetBotsRequest | |
GetBotsResponse | |
GetBuiltinIntentRequest | |
GetBuiltinIntentResponse | |
GetBuiltinIntentsRequest | |
GetBuiltinIntentsResponse | |
GetBuiltinSlotTypesRequest | |
GetBuiltinSlotTypesResponse | |
GetExportRequest | |
GetExportResponse | |
GetImportRequest | |
GetImportResponse | |
GetIntentRequest | |
GetIntentResponse | |
GetIntentVersionsRequest | |
GetIntentVersionsResponse | |
GetIntentsRequest | |
GetIntentsResponse | |
GetSlotTypeRequest | |
GetSlotTypeResponse | |
GetSlotTypeVersionsRequest | |
GetSlotTypeVersionsResponse | |
GetSlotTypesRequest | |
GetSlotTypesResponse | |
GetUtterancesViewRequest | |
GetUtterancesViewResponse | |
Intent | Identifies the specific version of an intent. |
IntentMetadata | Provides information about an intent. |
LexModelsClient | A client for the Amazon Lex Model Building Service API. |
Message | The message object that provides the message text and its type. |
Prompt | Obtains information from the user. To define a prompt, provide one or more messages and specify the number of attempts to get information from the user. If you provide more than one message, Amazon Lex chooses one of the messages to use to prompt the user. For more information, see how-it-works. |
PutBotAliasRequest | |
PutBotAliasResponse | |
PutBotRequest | |
PutBotResponse | |
PutIntentRequest | |
PutIntentResponse | |
PutSlotTypeRequest | |
PutSlotTypeResponse | |
ResourceReference | Describes the resource that refers to the resource that you are attempting to delete. This object is returned as part of the |
Slot | Identifies the version of a specific slot. |
SlotTypeMetadata | Provides information about a slot type.. |
StartImportRequest | |
StartImportResponse | |
Statement | A collection of messages that convey information to the user. At runtime, Amazon Lex selects the message to convey. |
UtteranceData | Provides information about a single utterance that was made to your bot. |
UtteranceList | Provides a list of utterances that have been made to a specific version of your bot. The list contains a maximum of 100 utterances. |
CreateBotVersionError | Errors returned by CreateBotVersion |
CreateIntentVersionError | Errors returned by CreateIntentVersion |
CreateSlotTypeVersionError | Errors returned by CreateSlotTypeVersion |
DeleteBotAliasError | Errors returned by DeleteBotAlias |
DeleteBotChannelAssociationError | Errors returned by DeleteBotChannelAssociation |
DeleteBotError | Errors returned by DeleteBot |
DeleteBotVersionError | Errors returned by DeleteBotVersion |
DeleteIntentError | Errors returned by DeleteIntent |
DeleteIntentVersionError | Errors returned by DeleteIntentVersion |
DeleteSlotTypeError | Errors returned by DeleteSlotType |
DeleteSlotTypeVersionError | Errors returned by DeleteSlotTypeVersion |
DeleteUtterancesError | Errors returned by DeleteUtterances |
GetBotAliasError | Errors returned by GetBotAlias |
GetBotAliasesError | Errors returned by GetBotAliases |
GetBotChannelAssociationError | Errors returned by GetBotChannelAssociation |
GetBotChannelAssociationsError | Errors returned by GetBotChannelAssociations |
GetBotError | Errors returned by GetBot |
GetBotVersionsError | Errors returned by GetBotVersions |
GetBotsError | Errors returned by GetBots |
GetBuiltinIntentError | Errors returned by GetBuiltinIntent |
GetBuiltinIntentsError | Errors returned by GetBuiltinIntents |
GetBuiltinSlotTypesError | Errors returned by GetBuiltinSlotTypes |
GetExportError | Errors returned by GetExport |
GetImportError | Errors returned by GetImport |
GetIntentError | Errors returned by GetIntent |
GetIntentVersionsError | Errors returned by GetIntentVersions |
GetIntentsError | Errors returned by GetIntents |
GetSlotTypeError | Errors returned by GetSlotType |
GetSlotTypeVersionsError | Errors returned by GetSlotTypeVersions |
GetSlotTypesError | Errors returned by GetSlotTypes |
GetUtterancesViewError | Errors returned by GetUtterancesView |
PutBotAliasError | Errors returned by PutBotAlias |
PutBotError | Errors returned by PutBot |
PutIntentError | Errors returned by PutIntent |
PutSlotTypeError | Errors returned by PutSlotType |
StartImportError | Errors returned by StartImport |
LexModels | Trait representing the capabilities of the Amazon Lex Model Building Service API. Amazon Lex Model Building Service clients implement this trait. |