[−][src]Crate rusoto_mediaconvert
AWS Elemental MediaConvert
If you're using the service, you're probably looking for MediaConvertClient and MediaConvert.
AacSettings | Required when you set (Codec) under (AudioDescriptions)>(CodecSettings) to the value AAC. The service accepts one of two mutually exclusive groups of AAC settings--VBR and CBR. To select one of these modes, set the value of Bitrate control mode (rateControlMode) to "VBR" or "CBR". In VBR mode, you control the audio quality with the setting VBR quality (vbrQuality). In CBR mode, you use the setting Bitrate (bitrate). Defaults and valid values depend on the rate control mode. |
Ac3Settings | Required when you set (Codec) under (AudioDescriptions)>(CodecSettings) to the value AC3. |
AccelerationSettings | Accelerated transcoding can significantly speed up jobs with long, visually complex content. Outputs that use this feature incur pro-tier pricing. For information about feature limitations, see the AWS Elemental MediaConvert User Guide. |
AiffSettings | Required when you set (Codec) under (AudioDescriptions)>(CodecSettings) to the value AIFF. |
AncillarySourceSettings | Settings for ancillary captions source. |
AssociateCertificateRequest | |
AssociateCertificateResponse | |
AudioCodecSettings | Audio codec settings (CodecSettings) under (AudioDescriptions) contains the group of settings related to audio encoding. The settings in this group vary depending on the value you choose for Audio codec (Codec). For each codec enum you choose, define the corresponding settings object. The following lists the codec enum, settings object pairs. * AAC, AacSettings * MP2, Mp2Settings * WAV, WavSettings * AIFF, AiffSettings * AC3, Ac3Settings * EAC3, Eac3Settings |
AudioDescription | Description of audio output |
AudioNormalizationSettings | Advanced audio normalization settings. |
AudioSelector | Selector for Audio |
AudioSelectorGroup | Group of Audio Selectors |
AvailBlanking | Settings for Avail Blanking |
BurninDestinationSettings | Burn-In Destination Settings. |
CancelJobRequest | |
CancelJobResponse | |
CaptionDescription | Description of Caption output |
CaptionDescriptionPreset | Caption Description for preset |
CaptionDestinationSettings | Specific settings required by destination type. Note that burnindestinationsettings are not available if the source of the caption data is Embedded or Teletext. |
CaptionSelector | Set up captions in your outputs by first selecting them from your input here. |
CaptionSourceSettings | Source settings (SourceSettings) contains the group of settings for captions in the input. |
ChannelMapping | Channel mapping (ChannelMapping) contains the group of fields that hold the remixing value for each channel. Units are in dB. Acceptable values are within the range from -60 (mute) through 6. A setting of 0 passes the input channel unchanged to the output channel (no attenuation or amplification). |
CmafEncryptionSettings | Settings for CMAF encryption |
CmafGroupSettings | Required when you set (Type) under (OutputGroups)>(OutputGroupSettings) to CMAFGROUPSETTINGS. Each output in a CMAF Output Group may only contain a single video, audio, or caption output. |
ColorCorrector | Settings for color correction. |
ContainerSettings | Container specific settings. |
CreateJobRequest | |
CreateJobResponse | |
CreateJobTemplateRequest | |
CreateJobTemplateResponse | |
CreatePresetRequest | |
CreatePresetResponse | |
CreateQueueRequest | |
CreateQueueResponse | |
DashIsoEncryptionSettings | Specifies DRM settings for DASH outputs. |
DashIsoGroupSettings | Required when you set (Type) under (OutputGroups)>(OutputGroupSettings) to DASHISOGROUP_SETTINGS. |
Deinterlacer | Settings for deinterlacer |
DeleteJobTemplateRequest | |
DeleteJobTemplateResponse | |
DeletePresetRequest | |
DeletePresetResponse | |
DeleteQueueRequest | |
DeleteQueueResponse | |
DescribeEndpointsRequest | DescribeEndpointsRequest |
DescribeEndpointsResponse | |
DestinationSettings | Settings associated with the destination. Will vary based on the type of destination |
DisassociateCertificateRequest | |
DisassociateCertificateResponse | |
DvbNitSettings | Inserts DVB Network Information Table (NIT) at the specified table repetition interval. |
DvbSdtSettings | Inserts DVB Service Description Table (NIT) at the specified table repetition interval. |
DvbSubDestinationSettings | DVB-Sub Destination Settings |
DvbSubSourceSettings | DVB Sub Source Settings |
DvbTdtSettings | Inserts DVB Time and Date Table (TDT) at the specified table repetition interval. |
Eac3Settings | Required when you set (Codec) under (AudioDescriptions)>(CodecSettings) to the value EAC3. |
EmbeddedDestinationSettings | Settings specific to embedded/ancillary caption outputs, including 608/708 Channel destination number. |
EmbeddedSourceSettings | Settings for embedded captions Source |
Endpoint | Describes an account-specific API endpoint. |
EsamManifestConfirmConditionNotification | ESAM ManifestConfirmConditionNotification defined by OC-SP-ESAM-API-I03-131025. |
EsamSettings | Settings for Event Signaling And Messaging (ESAM). If you don't do ad insertion, you can ignore these settings. |
EsamSignalProcessingNotification | ESAM SignalProcessingNotification data defined by OC-SP-ESAM-API-I03-131025. |
F4vSettings | Settings for F4v container |
FileGroupSettings | Required when you set (Type) under (OutputGroups)>(OutputGroupSettings) to FILEGROUPSETTINGS. |
FileSourceSettings | Settings for File-based Captions in Source |
FrameCaptureSettings | Required when you set (Codec) under (VideoDescription)>(CodecSettings) to the value FRAME_CAPTURE. |
GetJobRequest | |
GetJobResponse | |
GetJobTemplateRequest | |
GetJobTemplateResponse | |
GetPresetRequest | |
GetPresetResponse | |
GetQueueRequest | |
GetQueueResponse | |
H264QvbrSettings | Settings for quality-defined variable bitrate encoding with the H.264 codec. Required when you set Rate control mode to QVBR. Not valid when you set Rate control mode to a value other than QVBR, or when you don't define Rate control mode. |
H264Settings | Required when you set (Codec) under (VideoDescription)>(CodecSettings) to the value H_264. |
H265QvbrSettings | Settings for quality-defined variable bitrate encoding with the H.265 codec. Required when you set Rate control mode to QVBR. Not valid when you set Rate control mode to a value other than QVBR, or when you don't define Rate control mode. |
H265Settings | Settings for H265 codec |
Hdr10Metadata | Use the "HDR master display information" (Hdr10Metadata) settings to correct HDR metadata or to provide missing metadata. These values vary depending on the input video and must be provided by a color grader. Range is 0 to 50,000; each increment represents 0.00002 in CIE1931 color coordinate. Note that these settings are not color correction. Note that if you are creating HDR outputs inside of an HLS CMAF package, to comply with the Apple specification, you must use the following settings. Set "MP4 packaging type" (writeMp4PackagingType) to HVC1 (HVC1). Set "Profile" (H265Settings > codecProfile) to Main10/High (MAIN10HIGH). Set "Level" (H265Settings > codecLevel) to 5 (LEVEL5). |
HlsCaptionLanguageMapping | Caption Language Mapping |
HlsEncryptionSettings | Settings for HLS encryption |
HlsGroupSettings | Required when you set (Type) under (OutputGroups)>(OutputGroupSettings) to HLSGROUPSETTINGS. |
HlsSettings | Settings for HLS output groups |
Id3Insertion | To insert ID3 tags in your output, specify two values. Use ID3 tag (Id3) to specify the base 64 encoded string and use Timecode (TimeCode) to specify the time when the tag should be inserted. To insert multiple ID3 tags in your output, create multiple instances of ID3 insertion (Id3Insertion). |
ImageInserter | Enable the image inserter feature to include a graphic overlay on your video. Enable or disable this feature for each input or output individually. This setting is disabled by default. |
Input | Specifies media input |
InputClipping | To transcode only portions of your input (clips), include one Input clipping (one instance of InputClipping in the JSON job file) for each input clip. All input clips you specify will be included in every output of the job. |
InputDecryptionSettings | Settings for decrypting any input files that you encrypt before you upload them to Amazon S3. MediaConvert can decrypt files only when you use AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to encrypt the data key that you use to encrypt your content. |
InputTemplate | Specified video input in a template. |
InsertableImage | Settings that specify how your still graphic overlay appears. |
Job | Each job converts an input file into an output file or files. For more information, see the User Guide at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/what-is.html |
JobSettings | JobSettings contains all the transcode settings for a job. |
JobTemplate | A job template is a pre-made set of encoding instructions that you can use to quickly create a job. |
JobTemplateSettings | JobTemplateSettings contains all the transcode settings saved in the template that will be applied to jobs created from it. |
ListJobTemplatesRequest | |
ListJobTemplatesResponse | |
ListJobsRequest | |
ListJobsResponse | |
ListPresetsRequest | |
ListPresetsResponse | |
ListQueuesRequest | |
ListQueuesResponse | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResponse | |
M2tsSettings | MPEG-2 TS container settings. These apply to outputs in a File output group when the output's container (ContainerType) is MPEG-2 Transport Stream (M2TS). In these assets, data is organized by the program map table (PMT). Each transport stream program contains subsets of data, including audio, video, and metadata. Each of these subsets of data has a numerical label called a packet identifier (PID). Each transport stream program corresponds to one MediaConvert output. The PMT lists the types of data in a program along with their PID. Downstream systems and players use the program map table to look up the PID for each type of data it accesses and then uses the PIDs to locate specific data within the asset. |
M2tsScte35Esam | Settings for SCTE-35 signals from ESAM. Include this in your job settings to put SCTE-35 markers in your HLS and transport stream outputs at the insertion points that you specify in an ESAM XML document. Provide the document in the setting SCC XML (sccXml). |
M3u8Settings | Settings for TS segments in HLS |
MediaConvertClient | A client for the MediaConvert API. |
MotionImageInserter | Overlay motion graphics on top of your video at the time that you specify. |
MotionImageInsertionFramerate | For motion overlays that don't have a built-in frame rate, specify the frame rate of the overlay in frames per second, as a fraction. For example, specify 24 fps as 24/1. The overlay frame rate doesn't need to match the frame rate of the underlying video. |
MotionImageInsertionOffset | Specify the offset between the upper-left corner of the video frame and the top left corner of the overlay. |
MovSettings | Settings for MOV Container. |
Mp2Settings | Required when you set (Codec) under (AudioDescriptions)>(CodecSettings) to the value MP2. |
Mp4Settings | Settings for MP4 Container |
Mpeg2Settings | Required when you set (Codec) under (VideoDescription)>(CodecSettings) to the value MPEG2. |
MsSmoothEncryptionSettings | If you are using DRM, set DRM System (MsSmoothEncryptionSettings) to specify the value SpekeKeyProvider. |
MsSmoothGroupSettings | Required when you set (Type) under (OutputGroups)>(OutputGroupSettings) to MSSMOOTHGROUP_SETTINGS. |
NielsenConfiguration | Settings for Nielsen Configuration |
NoiseReducer | Enable the Noise reducer (NoiseReducer) feature to remove noise from your video output if necessary. Enable or disable this feature for each output individually. This setting is disabled by default. When you enable Noise reducer (NoiseReducer), you must also select a value for Noise reducer filter (NoiseReducerFilter). |
NoiseReducerFilterSettings | Settings for a noise reducer filter |
NoiseReducerSpatialFilterSettings | Noise reducer filter settings for spatial filter. |
Output | An output object describes the settings for a single output file or stream in an output group. |
OutputChannelMapping | OutputChannel mapping settings. |
OutputDetail | Details regarding output |
OutputGroup | Group of outputs |
OutputGroupDetail | Contains details about the output groups specified in the job settings. |
OutputGroupSettings | Output Group settings, including type |
OutputSettings | Specific settings for this type of output. |
Preset | A preset is a collection of preconfigured media conversion settings that you want MediaConvert to apply to the output during the conversion process. |
PresetSettings | Settings for preset |
ProresSettings | Required when you set (Codec) under (VideoDescription)>(CodecSettings) to the value PRORES. |
Queue | You can use queues to manage the resources that are available to your AWS account for running multiple transcoding jobs at the same time. If you don't specify a queue, the service sends all jobs through the default queue. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/working-with-queues.html. |
Rectangle | Use Rectangle to identify a specific area of the video frame. |
RemixSettings | Use Manual audio remixing (RemixSettings) to adjust audio levels for each audio channel in each output of your job. With audio remixing, you can output more or fewer audio channels than your input audio source provides. |
ReservationPlan | Details about the pricing plan for your reserved queue. Required for reserved queues and not applicable to on-demand queues. |
ReservationPlanSettings | Details about the pricing plan for your reserved queue. Required for reserved queues and not applicable to on-demand queues. |
ResourceTags | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and tags for an AWS Elemental MediaConvert resource. |
S3DestinationSettings | Settings associated with S3 destination |
S3EncryptionSettings | Settings for how your job outputs are encrypted as they are uploaded to Amazon S3. |
SccDestinationSettings | Settings for SCC caption output. |
SpekeKeyProvider | Settings for use with a SPEKE key provider |
StaticKeyProvider | Use these settings to set up encryption with a static key provider. |
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResponse | |
TeletextDestinationSettings | Settings for Teletext caption output |
TeletextSourceSettings | Settings specific to Teletext caption sources, including Page number. |
TimecodeBurnin | Timecode burn-in (TimecodeBurnIn)--Burns the output timecode and specified prefix into the output. |
TimecodeConfig | These settings control how the service handles timecodes throughout the job. These settings don't affect input clipping. |
TimedMetadataInsertion | Enable Timed metadata insertion (TimedMetadataInsertion) to include ID3 tags in your job. To include timed metadata, you must enable it here, enable it in each output container, and specify tags and timecodes in ID3 insertion (Id3Insertion) objects. |
Timing | Information about when jobs are submitted, started, and finished is specified in Unix epoch format in seconds. |
TrackSourceSettings | Settings specific to caption sources that are specfied by track number. Sources include IMSC in IMF. |
TtmlDestinationSettings | Settings specific to TTML caption outputs, including Pass style information (TtmlStylePassthrough). |
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResponse | |
UpdateJobTemplateRequest | |
UpdateJobTemplateResponse | |
UpdatePresetRequest | |
UpdatePresetResponse | |
UpdateQueueRequest | |
UpdateQueueResponse | |
VideoCodecSettings | Video codec settings, (CodecSettings) under (VideoDescription), contains the group of settings related to video encoding. The settings in this group vary depending on the value you choose for Video codec (Codec). For each codec enum you choose, define the corresponding settings object. The following lists the codec enum, settings object pairs. * H264, H264Settings * H265, H265Settings * MPEG2, Mpeg2Settings * PRORES, ProresSettings * FRAME_CAPTURE, FrameCaptureSettings |
VideoDescription | Settings for video outputs |
VideoDetail | Contains details about the output's video stream |
VideoPreprocessor | Find additional transcoding features under Preprocessors (VideoPreprocessors). Enable the features at each output individually. These features are disabled by default. |
VideoSelector | Selector for video. |
WavSettings | Required when you set (Codec) under (AudioDescriptions)>(CodecSettings) to the value WAV. |
AssociateCertificateError | Errors returned by AssociateCertificate |
CancelJobError | Errors returned by CancelJob |
CreateJobError | Errors returned by CreateJob |
CreateJobTemplateError | Errors returned by CreateJobTemplate |
CreatePresetError | Errors returned by CreatePreset |
CreateQueueError | Errors returned by CreateQueue |
DeleteJobTemplateError | Errors returned by DeleteJobTemplate |
DeletePresetError | Errors returned by DeletePreset |
DeleteQueueError | Errors returned by DeleteQueue |
DescribeEndpointsError | Errors returned by DescribeEndpoints |
DisassociateCertificateError | Errors returned by DisassociateCertificate |
GetJobError | Errors returned by GetJob |
GetJobTemplateError | Errors returned by GetJobTemplate |
GetPresetError | Errors returned by GetPreset |
GetQueueError | Errors returned by GetQueue |
ListJobTemplatesError | Errors returned by ListJobTemplates |
ListJobsError | Errors returned by ListJobs |
ListPresetsError | Errors returned by ListPresets |
ListQueuesError | Errors returned by ListQueues |
ListTagsForResourceError | Errors returned by ListTagsForResource |
TagResourceError | Errors returned by TagResource |
UntagResourceError | Errors returned by UntagResource |
UpdateJobTemplateError | Errors returned by UpdateJobTemplate |
UpdatePresetError | Errors returned by UpdatePreset |
UpdateQueueError | Errors returned by UpdateQueue |
MediaConvert | Trait representing the capabilities of the MediaConvert API. MediaConvert clients implement this trait. |