[−][src]Crate rusoto_credential
Types for loading and managing AWS access credentials for API requests.
claims | Credential Claims module. |
AutoRefreshingProvider | Wrapper for |
AutoRefreshingProviderFuture | Future returned from |
AwsCredentials | AWS API access credentials, including access key, secret key, token (for IAM profiles), expiration timestamp, and claims from federated login. |
ChainProvider | Provides AWS credentials from multiple possible sources using a priority order. |
ChainProviderFuture | Future returned from |
ContainerProvider | Provides AWS credentials from a task's IAM role. |
ContainerProviderFuture | Future returned from |
CredentialsError | Represents an Error that has occured during the fetching Credentials Phase. |
DefaultCredentialsProvider | Wraps a |
DefaultCredentialsProviderFuture | Future returned from |
EnvironmentProvider | Provides AWS credentials from environment variables. |
EnvironmentProviderFuture | Provides AWS credentials from environment variables as a Future. |
InstanceMetadataProvider | Provides AWS credentials from a resource's IAM role. |
InstanceMetadataProviderFuture | Future returned from |
ProfileProvider | Provides AWS credentials from a profile in a credentials file, or from a credential process. |
ProfileProviderFuture | Provides AWS credentials from a profile in a credentials file as a Future. |
StaticProvider | Provides AWS credentials from statically/programmatically provided strings. |
ProvideAwsCredentials | A trait for types that produce |