[−][src]Crate rusoto_glue
Defines the public endpoint for the AWS Glue service.
If you're using the service, you're probably looking for GlueClient and Glue.
Action | Defines an action to be initiated by a trigger. |
BatchCreatePartitionRequest | |
BatchCreatePartitionResponse | |
BatchDeleteConnectionRequest | |
BatchDeleteConnectionResponse | |
BatchDeletePartitionRequest | |
BatchDeletePartitionResponse | |
BatchDeleteTableRequest | |
BatchDeleteTableResponse | |
BatchDeleteTableVersionRequest | |
BatchDeleteTableVersionResponse | |
BatchGetCrawlersRequest | |
BatchGetCrawlersResponse | |
BatchGetDevEndpointsRequest | |
BatchGetDevEndpointsResponse | |
BatchGetJobsRequest | |
BatchGetJobsResponse | |
BatchGetPartitionRequest | |
BatchGetPartitionResponse | |
BatchGetTriggersRequest | |
BatchGetTriggersResponse | |
BatchStopJobRunError | Records an error that occurred when attempting to stop a specified job run. |
BatchStopJobRunRequest | |
BatchStopJobRunResponse | |
BatchStopJobRunSuccessfulSubmission | Records a successful request to stop a specified |
CatalogEntry | Specifies a table definition in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. |
CatalogImportStatus | A structure containing migration status information. |
CatalogTarget | Specifies an AWS Glue Data Catalog target. |
Classifier | Classifiers are triggered during a crawl task. A classifier checks whether a given file is in a format it can handle. If it is, the classifier creates a schema in the form of a You can use the standard classifiers that AWS Glue provides, or you can write your own classifiers to best categorize your data sources and specify the appropriate schemas to use for them. A classifier can be a |
CloudWatchEncryption | Specifies how CloudWatch data should be encrypted. |
CodeGenEdge | Represents a directional edge in a directed acyclic graph (DAG). |
CodeGenNode | Represents a node in a directed acyclic graph (DAG) |
CodeGenNodeArg | An argument or property of a node. |
Column | A column in a |
Condition | Defines a condition under which a trigger fires. |
Connection | Defines a connection to a data source. |
ConnectionInput | A structure that is used to specify a connection to create or update. |
ConnectionPasswordEncryption | The data structure used by the Data Catalog to encrypt the password as part of When a This encryption requires that you set AWS KMS key permissions to enable or restrict access on the password key according to your security requirements. For example, you might want only admin users to have decrypt permission on the password key. |
ConnectionsList | Specifies the connections used by a job. |
Crawler | Specifies a crawler program that examines a data source and uses classifiers to try to determine its schema. If successful, the crawler records metadata concerning the data source in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. |
CrawlerMetrics | Metrics for a specified crawler. |
CrawlerTargets | Specifies data stores to crawl. |
CreateClassifierRequest | |
CreateClassifierResponse | |
CreateConnectionRequest | |
CreateConnectionResponse | |
CreateCrawlerRequest | |
CreateCrawlerResponse | |
CreateCsvClassifierRequest | Specifies a custom CSV classifier for |
CreateDatabaseRequest | |
CreateDatabaseResponse | |
CreateDevEndpointRequest | |
CreateDevEndpointResponse | |
CreateGrokClassifierRequest | Specifies a |
CreateJobRequest | |
CreateJobResponse | |
CreateJsonClassifierRequest | Specifies a JSON classifier for |
CreatePartitionRequest | |
CreatePartitionResponse | |
CreateScriptRequest | |
CreateScriptResponse | |
CreateSecurityConfigurationRequest | |
CreateSecurityConfigurationResponse | |
CreateTableRequest | |
CreateTableResponse | |
CreateTriggerRequest | |
CreateTriggerResponse | |
CreateUserDefinedFunctionRequest | |
CreateUserDefinedFunctionResponse | |
CreateXMLClassifierRequest | Specifies an XML classifier for |
CsvClassifier | A classifier for custom |
DataCatalogEncryptionSettings | Contains configuration information for maintaining Data Catalog security. |
Database | The |
DatabaseInput | The structure used to create or update a database. |
DeleteClassifierRequest | |
DeleteClassifierResponse | |
DeleteConnectionRequest | |
DeleteConnectionResponse | |
DeleteCrawlerRequest | |
DeleteCrawlerResponse | |
DeleteDatabaseRequest | |
DeleteDatabaseResponse | |
DeleteDevEndpointRequest | |
DeleteDevEndpointResponse | |
DeleteJobRequest | |
DeleteJobResponse | |
DeletePartitionRequest | |
DeletePartitionResponse | |
DeleteResourcePolicyRequest | |
DeleteResourcePolicyResponse | |
DeleteSecurityConfigurationRequest | |
DeleteSecurityConfigurationResponse | |
DeleteTableRequest | |
DeleteTableResponse | |
DeleteTableVersionRequest | |
DeleteTableVersionResponse | |
DeleteTriggerRequest | |
DeleteTriggerResponse | |
DeleteUserDefinedFunctionRequest | |
DeleteUserDefinedFunctionResponse | |
DevEndpoint | A development endpoint where a developer can remotely debug ETL scripts. |
DevEndpointCustomLibraries | Custom libraries to be loaded into a DevEndpoint. |
DynamoDBTarget | Specifies an Amazon DynamoDB table to crawl. |
EncryptionAtRest | Specifies the encryption-at-rest configuration for the Data Catalog. |
EncryptionConfiguration | Specifies an encryption configuration. |
ErrorDetail | Contains details about an error. |
ExecutionProperty | An execution property of a job. |
GetCatalogImportStatusRequest | |
GetCatalogImportStatusResponse | |
GetClassifierRequest | |
GetClassifierResponse | |
GetClassifiersRequest | |
GetClassifiersResponse | |
GetConnectionRequest | |
GetConnectionResponse | |
GetConnectionsFilter | Filters the connection definitions that are returned by the |
GetConnectionsRequest | |
GetConnectionsResponse | |
GetCrawlerMetricsRequest | |
GetCrawlerMetricsResponse | |
GetCrawlerRequest | |
GetCrawlerResponse | |
GetCrawlersRequest | |
GetCrawlersResponse | |
GetDataCatalogEncryptionSettingsRequest | |
GetDataCatalogEncryptionSettingsResponse | |
GetDatabaseRequest | |
GetDatabaseResponse | |
GetDatabasesRequest | |
GetDatabasesResponse | |
GetDataflowGraphRequest | |
GetDataflowGraphResponse | |
GetDevEndpointRequest | |
GetDevEndpointResponse | |
GetDevEndpointsRequest | |
GetDevEndpointsResponse | |
GetJobRequest | |
GetJobResponse | |
GetJobRunRequest | |
GetJobRunResponse | |
GetJobRunsRequest | |
GetJobRunsResponse | |
GetJobsRequest | |
GetJobsResponse | |
GetMappingRequest | |
GetMappingResponse | |
GetPartitionRequest | |
GetPartitionResponse | |
GetPartitionsRequest | |
GetPartitionsResponse | |
GetPlanRequest | |
GetPlanResponse | |
GetResourcePolicyRequest | |
GetResourcePolicyResponse | |
GetSecurityConfigurationRequest | |
GetSecurityConfigurationResponse | |
GetSecurityConfigurationsRequest | |
GetSecurityConfigurationsResponse | |
GetTableRequest | |
GetTableResponse | |
GetTableVersionRequest | |
GetTableVersionResponse | |
GetTableVersionsRequest | |
GetTableVersionsResponse | |
GetTablesRequest | |
GetTablesResponse | |
GetTagsRequest | |
GetTagsResponse | |
GetTriggerRequest | |
GetTriggerResponse | |
GetTriggersRequest | |
GetTriggersResponse | |
GetUserDefinedFunctionRequest | |
GetUserDefinedFunctionResponse | |
GetUserDefinedFunctionsRequest | |
GetUserDefinedFunctionsResponse | |
GlueClient | A client for the AWS Glue API. |
GrokClassifier | A classifier that uses |
ImportCatalogToGlueRequest | |
ImportCatalogToGlueResponse | |
JdbcTarget | Specifies a JDBC data store to crawl. |
Job | Specifies a job definition. |
JobBookmarkEntry | Defines a point which a job can resume processing. |
JobBookmarksEncryption | Specifies how Job bookmark data should be encrypted. |
JobCommand | Specifies code executed when a job is run. |
JobRun | Contains information about a job run. |
JobUpdate | Specifies information used to update an existing job definition. The previous job definition is completely overwritten by this information. |
JsonClassifier | A classifier for |
LastCrawlInfo | Status and error information about the most recent crawl. |
ListCrawlersRequest | |
ListCrawlersResponse | |
ListDevEndpointsRequest | |
ListDevEndpointsResponse | |
ListJobsRequest | |
ListJobsResponse | |
ListTriggersRequest | |
ListTriggersResponse | |
Location | The location of resources. |
MappingEntry | Defines a mapping. |
NotificationProperty | Specifies configuration properties of a notification. |
Order | Specifies the sort order of a sorted column. |
Partition | Represents a slice of table data. |
PartitionError | Contains information about a partition error. |
PartitionInput | The structure used to create and update a partion. |
PartitionValueList | Contains a list of values defining partitions. |
PhysicalConnectionRequirements | Specifies the physical requirements for a connection. |
Predecessor | A job run that was used in the predicate of a conditional trigger that triggered this job run. |
Predicate | Defines the predicate of the trigger, which determines when it fires. |
PutDataCatalogEncryptionSettingsRequest | |
PutDataCatalogEncryptionSettingsResponse | |
PutResourcePolicyRequest | |
PutResourcePolicyResponse | |
ResetJobBookmarkRequest | |
ResetJobBookmarkResponse | |
ResourceUri | URIs for function resources. |
S3Encryption | Specifies how S3 data should be encrypted. |
S3Target | Specifies a data store in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). |
Schedule | A scheduling object using a |
SchemaChangePolicy | A policy that specifies update and deletion behaviors for the crawler. |
SecurityConfiguration | Specifies a security configuration. |
Segment | Defines a non-overlapping region of a table's partitions, allowing multiple requests to be executed in parallel. |
SerDeInfo | Information about a serialization/deserialization program (SerDe) which serves as an extractor and loader. |
SkewedInfo | Specifies skewed values in a table. Skewed are ones that occur with very high frequency. |
StartCrawlerRequest | |
StartCrawlerResponse | |
StartCrawlerScheduleRequest | |
StartCrawlerScheduleResponse | |
StartJobRunRequest | |
StartJobRunResponse | |
StartTriggerRequest | |
StartTriggerResponse | |
StopCrawlerRequest | |
StopCrawlerResponse | |
StopCrawlerScheduleRequest | |
StopCrawlerScheduleResponse | |
StopTriggerRequest | |
StopTriggerResponse | |
StorageDescriptor | Describes the physical storage of table data. |
Table | Represents a collection of related data organized in columns and rows. |
TableError | An error record for table operations. |
TableInput | Structure used to create or update the table. |
TableVersion | Specifies a version of a table. |
TableVersionError | An error record for table-version operations. |
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResponse | |
Trigger | Information about a specific trigger. |
TriggerUpdate | A structure used to provide information used to update a trigger. This object updates the previous trigger definition by overwriting it completely. |
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResponse | |
UpdateClassifierRequest | |
UpdateClassifierResponse | |
UpdateConnectionRequest | |
UpdateConnectionResponse | |
UpdateCrawlerRequest | |
UpdateCrawlerResponse | |
UpdateCrawlerScheduleRequest | |
UpdateCrawlerScheduleResponse | |
UpdateCsvClassifierRequest | Specifies a custom CSV classifier to be updated. |
UpdateDatabaseRequest | |
UpdateDatabaseResponse | |
UpdateDevEndpointRequest | |
UpdateDevEndpointResponse | |
UpdateGrokClassifierRequest | Specifies a grok classifier to update when passed to |
UpdateJobRequest | |
UpdateJobResponse | |
UpdateJsonClassifierRequest | Specifies a JSON classifier to be updated. |
UpdatePartitionRequest | |
UpdatePartitionResponse | |
UpdateTableRequest | |
UpdateTableResponse | |
UpdateTriggerRequest | |
UpdateTriggerResponse | |
UpdateUserDefinedFunctionRequest | |
UpdateUserDefinedFunctionResponse | |
UpdateXMLClassifierRequest | Specifies an XML classifier to be updated. |
UserDefinedFunction | Represents the equivalent of a Hive user-defined function ( |
UserDefinedFunctionInput | A structure used to create or updata a user-defined function. |
XMLClassifier | A classifier for |
BatchCreatePartitionError | Errors returned by BatchCreatePartition |
BatchDeleteConnectionError | Errors returned by BatchDeleteConnection |
BatchDeletePartitionError | Errors returned by BatchDeletePartition |
BatchDeleteTableError | Errors returned by BatchDeleteTable |
BatchDeleteTableVersionError | Errors returned by BatchDeleteTableVersion |
BatchGetCrawlersError | Errors returned by BatchGetCrawlers |
BatchGetDevEndpointsError | Errors returned by BatchGetDevEndpoints |
BatchGetJobsError | Errors returned by BatchGetJobs |
BatchGetPartitionError | Errors returned by BatchGetPartition |
BatchGetTriggersError | Errors returned by BatchGetTriggers |
CreateClassifierError | Errors returned by CreateClassifier |
CreateConnectionError | Errors returned by CreateConnection |
CreateCrawlerError | Errors returned by CreateCrawler |
CreateDatabaseError | Errors returned by CreateDatabase |
CreateDevEndpointError | Errors returned by CreateDevEndpoint |
CreateJobError | Errors returned by CreateJob |
CreatePartitionError | Errors returned by CreatePartition |
CreateScriptError | Errors returned by CreateScript |
CreateSecurityConfigurationError | Errors returned by CreateSecurityConfiguration |
CreateTableError | Errors returned by CreateTable |
CreateTriggerError | Errors returned by CreateTrigger |
CreateUserDefinedFunctionError | Errors returned by CreateUserDefinedFunction |
DeleteClassifierError | Errors returned by DeleteClassifier |
DeleteConnectionError | Errors returned by DeleteConnection |
DeleteCrawlerError | Errors returned by DeleteCrawler |
DeleteDatabaseError | Errors returned by DeleteDatabase |
DeleteDevEndpointError | Errors returned by DeleteDevEndpoint |
DeleteJobError | Errors returned by DeleteJob |
DeletePartitionError | Errors returned by DeletePartition |
DeleteResourcePolicyError | Errors returned by DeleteResourcePolicy |
DeleteSecurityConfigurationError | Errors returned by DeleteSecurityConfiguration |
DeleteTableError | Errors returned by DeleteTable |
DeleteTableVersionError | Errors returned by DeleteTableVersion |
DeleteTriggerError | Errors returned by DeleteTrigger |
DeleteUserDefinedFunctionError | Errors returned by DeleteUserDefinedFunction |
GetCatalogImportStatusError | Errors returned by GetCatalogImportStatus |
GetClassifierError | Errors returned by GetClassifier |
GetClassifiersError | Errors returned by GetClassifiers |
GetConnectionError | Errors returned by GetConnection |
GetConnectionsError | Errors returned by GetConnections |
GetCrawlerError | Errors returned by GetCrawler |
GetCrawlerMetricsError | Errors returned by GetCrawlerMetrics |
GetCrawlersError | Errors returned by GetCrawlers |
GetDataCatalogEncryptionSettingsError | Errors returned by GetDataCatalogEncryptionSettings |
GetDatabaseError | Errors returned by GetDatabase |
GetDatabasesError | Errors returned by GetDatabases |
GetDataflowGraphError | Errors returned by GetDataflowGraph |
GetDevEndpointError | Errors returned by GetDevEndpoint |
GetDevEndpointsError | Errors returned by GetDevEndpoints |
GetJobError | Errors returned by GetJob |
GetJobRunError | Errors returned by GetJobRun |
GetJobRunsError | Errors returned by GetJobRuns |
GetJobsError | Errors returned by GetJobs |
GetMappingError | Errors returned by GetMapping |
GetPartitionError | Errors returned by GetPartition |
GetPartitionsError | Errors returned by GetPartitions |
GetPlanError | Errors returned by GetPlan |
GetResourcePolicyError | Errors returned by GetResourcePolicy |
GetSecurityConfigurationError | Errors returned by GetSecurityConfiguration |
GetSecurityConfigurationsError | Errors returned by GetSecurityConfigurations |
GetTableError | Errors returned by GetTable |
GetTableVersionError | Errors returned by GetTableVersion |
GetTableVersionsError | Errors returned by GetTableVersions |
GetTablesError | Errors returned by GetTables |
GetTagsError | Errors returned by GetTags |
GetTriggerError | Errors returned by GetTrigger |
GetTriggersError | Errors returned by GetTriggers |
GetUserDefinedFunctionError | Errors returned by GetUserDefinedFunction |
GetUserDefinedFunctionsError | Errors returned by GetUserDefinedFunctions |
GlueBatchStopJobRunError | Errors returned by BatchStopJobRun |
ImportCatalogToGlueError | Errors returned by ImportCatalogToGlue |
ListCrawlersError | Errors returned by ListCrawlers |
ListDevEndpointsError | Errors returned by ListDevEndpoints |
ListJobsError | Errors returned by ListJobs |
ListTriggersError | Errors returned by ListTriggers |
PutDataCatalogEncryptionSettingsError | Errors returned by PutDataCatalogEncryptionSettings |
PutResourcePolicyError | Errors returned by PutResourcePolicy |
ResetJobBookmarkError | Errors returned by ResetJobBookmark |
StartCrawlerError | Errors returned by StartCrawler |
StartCrawlerScheduleError | Errors returned by StartCrawlerSchedule |
StartJobRunError | Errors returned by StartJobRun |
StartTriggerError | Errors returned by StartTrigger |
StopCrawlerError | Errors returned by StopCrawler |
StopCrawlerScheduleError | Errors returned by StopCrawlerSchedule |
StopTriggerError | Errors returned by StopTrigger |
TagResourceError | Errors returned by TagResource |
UntagResourceError | Errors returned by UntagResource |
UpdateClassifierError | Errors returned by UpdateClassifier |
UpdateConnectionError | Errors returned by UpdateConnection |
UpdateCrawlerError | Errors returned by UpdateCrawler |
UpdateCrawlerScheduleError | Errors returned by UpdateCrawlerSchedule |
UpdateDatabaseError | Errors returned by UpdateDatabase |
UpdateDevEndpointError | Errors returned by UpdateDevEndpoint |
UpdateJobError | Errors returned by UpdateJob |
UpdatePartitionError | Errors returned by UpdatePartition |
UpdateTableError | Errors returned by UpdateTable |
UpdateTriggerError | Errors returned by UpdateTrigger |
UpdateUserDefinedFunctionError | Errors returned by UpdateUserDefinedFunction |
Glue | Trait representing the capabilities of the AWS Glue API. AWS Glue clients implement this trait. |